Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Heart At Peace

Had not much say enough
to a world groomed to love
Of hatred is its disguise
Of chill to shield what’s warm.

Had life prey on its kill
When a goner revived to live
Not just to summon the dead
But to judge those who live.

A structure down the heavens
A refuge to souls found
Where spirits can run wild
to lead the lost to the Light.

Like a nation’s hope to a son
Its fate rests in a new man
Is a grain of sand I stand
Where I rest my case to the One.

Asian art

Poem's related flicks ---

Evita shows how faith in one's call of destiny moved mountains. And as this could be a typical story of " rags to riches", Evita struggled for what she wanted by maintaining who she was and believing in what she could do.
In Schindler's List, a man stood by his faith to do good amid the wickedness of the people, even that would entail risking his good and well-respected life during the time where the taste of genocide seemed like your ordinary meal.
Mozart: Piano Concertos, KV 459 & 466 [Hybrid SACD]
Just a penny for your thought:

Once in our lives, we feel that there is something that we want which is different from a dream. It is a not a typical childhood dream of wanting to be a doctor based from the pressure of what the world wants for you and from where every move is a strategy to hit a goal.

I am referring to an unexplainable feeling of wanting to do something despite the odds that you might encounter along the way. This could be opposing to your will. This could not even fit who you are. Yet every step leads to a destination only God knows.

Oskar Schindler thought of being a great businessman in his time. He thought of money, power, security, and good life. He worked for everything that he had. It was a dream. It was a goal. Yet he never thought that his pursuit would lead to passion of saving people that would endanger everything he worked for. It just happened. it was God's call. The only choice is to put his faith on his fate.

Did Evita Peron think of rising to power? All she wanted was to feed her simple whims of vanity and just to get by. She just wanted herself to stay pretty and forget the childhood that she did not like. She is a typical girl, I should say. She rose to power. She did not use the typical politics of wearing rags amid the people who could only afford a piece or two of the cheapest shirt, yet she was loved by the poor and brought people together. She had faith in herself. She had faith on what she could do even she knew others could do better. Despite accusations of malicious intent, God loved her. God put His faith on her.


I'll stand by you
## study art ##

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